Monday’s Word Search Puzzle – Dropped Flashlight Angry Cat

You know how in the movies the person is walking around in the dark with a flashlight looking for the creepy serial killer, and then they trip over a body that for some reason wasn’t visible or they didn’t think to look down, and they drop the flashlight and it rolls under something?
It always ends up pointing at the face of the dead person so the other person sees it so they can scream and panic because they landed on a dead body.
Well, that didn’t happen to me but I did drop the flashlight while I was using the built in laser pointer to play with the cat, and it rolled under the sofa just out of reach.
I know the cat thought for a minute there they had finally caught the red dot.
Then I had to move the sofa to get it, and it was game over for the cat because I pulled a muscle moving the sofa to get the flashlight I had dropped.
Anyway, I’m sitting here with a heating pad on my back while I work on the words for today’s word search puzzle and the cat is looking at me like “are we going to play some more or what?”
Enjoy the puzzle!
