Thursday’s Daily Word Search Puzzle

I’m so glad April Fool’s day is over!
No, no one played a joke on me, except for Karma.
I’m not sure what I did wrong, but the way my day went you’d have thought Karma was having a blast!
It started when I decided to make myself some eggs for breakfast.
Naturally, the first egg out of the carton was cracked so I tried to throw it away but the bottom half was stuck in the carton.
While attempting to remove the bottom half and with my fingers covered in glue, I somehow jerked it enough to make two more eggs come flying out.
Great… Now I had three eggs to clean up.
I carefully set the carton on the counter and grabbed the paper towels to clean up the mess.
Only one problem.
The roll was a brand new one stuck on a verticle stand with the first two sheets glued down to the rest of the roll. Sometimes you have to pull hard to get them started.
Yeah, it came loose abruptly causing my elbow to jerk back, knocking the rest of the carton onto the floor and with some landing in the cat’s bowl that I had just put cat food in not two minutes earlier.
Of course, the cat was eating out of said bowl and ended up having an egg land on its head and she wasn’t very happy about the situation.
Now, knowing that it probably wasn’t a good thing for the cat to be licking raw egg off of its body, I attempted to pick her up to clean her off.
She was less than enthusiastic about that and scratched me hard enough to draw blood before running under the sofa.
OK. I got the bleeding stopped then went to get her out before she got raw egg to stink up the house all up under there when I stupidly stepped in the egg goo.
Ice cold egg goo.
In my socks.
Jumping back my heel landed on the edge of the cat bowl causing it to double-summersault into the air while spreading a mixture of dry bits and gooey egg around like a pinwheel firework on the fourth of July!
An hour of cleaning things up meant I didn’t have time to eat but I figured I’d take a break after my first web meeting (working from home) and grab a toaster pastry or something.
Of course, thirty seconds after I put it in the toaster my phone rang and I promptly forgot about it until I smelled the smoke.
See, when I hit the egg carton with my elbow I banged it into the toaster, knocking the button from ‘toast’ to ‘nuke’ but didn’t catch it.
Somehow I got it stopped before the smoke alarm went off. I had to throw them in the garbage.
OK, I’d toast another pack and this time I’d make sure the toaster was set right.
Nope. Seems I’d turned the last pack into coal ash.
Oh, well, lunch would be in a few hours anyway.
About ten minutes later my wife walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. A minute later she came back to my desk and asked where the eggs were and wanted to know how the cats got cat food stuck to the refrigerator door?
The rest of the day was downhill from there.
Here’s today’s word search puzzle. Please enjoy it – carefully!

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